Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kamarooka State Park

The park conserves some of north-central Victoria's outstanding natural features. It is the product of intensive use over the past 150 years from gold mining, land selection, forestry, and eucalyptus oil production. Many significant relics of these industries, particularly the gold mining and eucalyptus oil industries, remain in the parks today.

Flora & FaunaSongbirds such as the grey shrike-thrush are numerous and are among the 170 species of birds likely to be seen or heard in the parks. The mammals you are most likely to see (usually early in the morning and later in the evening) are the eastern grey kangaroo, black wallaby and echidna.

Site Description National Park

Site Facilities BBQ Area, Camping Ground, Picnic Area

Activities Gold Fossicking, Horse Riding, Walking

General Pet Friendly

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